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ESG Goals: here is a concrete example of environmental protection and social inclusion

16th December 2022 - Culligan Italiana supports a project designed by Right Hub that aims to combine protection of biodiversity and work inclusion of fragile and vulnerable people.

In alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030, Culligan has chosen to support one of our sustainability and inclusion projects. This initiative has a significant environmental value and generates a positive social impact through the adoption of 6 hives that will protect more than 300,000 bees. In fact, for each adopted hive, Culligan is supporting the development and protection of a family of more than 50,000 bees in an agricultural environment managed according to biological criteria, which will contribute to the improvement and maintenance of biodiversity.

Bees, critical to the ecosystem and pollination of 70% of the planet's plant species, provide about 35 % of global food production.

As Culligan Italiana’s President Giulio Giampieri reminds: “We are committed in all ESG fields, with the purpose of generating an inclusive and responsible growth ". The project has been implemented through the involvement of a social agricultural enterprise whose activities promote the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. 

inclusione sostenibilita

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