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Italian law 68/99 and Convenzione art.14

The Italian Law no. 68 of 1999 regulates the employment of people with disabilities in public and private enterprises; however, there are still many companies that for several reasons do not fulfill their employment obligations and find themselves at risk of being sanctioned without having created a positive social impact for the community.

Right Hub has developed an innovative service that allows companies to meet their legal obligations through inclusive alternative solutions to direct employment. In addition, by joining RIGHT in projects it is possible to combine environmental protection and labour inclusion of people with disabilities.

Compliance with the Italian Law 68/99: our services for the companies.

RIGHT HUB provides an ad-hoc comprehensive support to companies, as follows:

  • Consulting service to verify the company situation in accordance with the obligations under Italian Law 68/99 "Rules for the Right to Work of Persons with Disabilities" and the analysis of the most suitable tools to comply;

  • Ongoing annual consulting and assistance service for compliance with Law 68/99. This service allows continuous monitoring of the company's position and is fully integrated with the activities of Human Resources;

  • Consulting and assistance service  for the full adoption of one of the most effective labor tools, the Convenzione ex art.14 D.lgs. 276/2003 (Legge Biagi);

  • Research, selection and recruitment of workers with disabilities (carried out in co-operation with partners);

  • In-house training programmes for the disability management skills and culture development across the company (carried out in co-operation with partners).
Servizio di consulenza che consente alle imprese di ottemperare agli obblighi di Legge 68/99

The Italian Law 68/99, from obligation to opportunity through the “Convenzione art.14”: our innovative and unique service in Italy.

The stipulation of Convenzione ex art.14 D.lgs. 276/2003, allows companies to fulfil their employment obligations under the Italian Law 68/99 without directly hiring people with disability but by purchasing goods and services from social cooperatives that comply with specific characteristics and requirements.

Legge 68/99, da obbligo a opportunità con la Convenzione art. 14: il nostro servizio innovativo e unico in Italia

Companies through “Convenzione art.14” have the opportunity to:

  • Comply with Law 68/99 avoiding to employ directly people with disabilities while instead purchasing goods and services;

  • Prevent the Public Offices from automatically assigning companies a person numerically chosen;

  • Avoid the payment of administrative sanctions;

  • Meet the mandatory requirements to participate in public tenders (certification of compliance);

  • Obtain the supply of goods and services that the company may already need, at market prices;

  • Reduce production costs by outsourcing certain activities or services to third parties;

  • Reduce direct and indirect costs of search, selection, training, personnel management and related administrative burdens.
Ottemperare alla Legge 68/99 con progetti di sostenibilità e inclusione RIGHT in

Comply to Italian Law 68/99 through our sustainability and inclusion projects.

Right Hub also promotes the development and implementation of sustainability projects for companies by combining environmental protection and labour inclusion of people with disabilities. This purpose is at the heart of RIGHT in, ian initiative that offers the opportunity to implement under “Convenzione art.14” projects with high environmental and social value by fulfilling the requirements of Law 68/99.

Therefore, by relying on Right Hub for the adoption of the “Convenzione art.14”, you will have specialized and customized support to analyse and choose from a wide variety of goods and services to buy from social cooperatives. Above all, we will guarantee you the security of buying from qualified social cooperatives that have been evaluated through our protocol called "Verified Seller".

The "Verified Seller" process is subjected to the annual evaluation of the certification body TÜV NORD Italia.

Case studies

We have carried out many projects with Convention art.14 for companies of different sizes, market sectors and geographies. Here below some examples:

Banking Sector

Number of employees: 130.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: catering services and lunch delivery.

Mechanical Sector

Number of employees: 70.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: maintenance services.

Cars Dealer Network

Number of employees: 80.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: offices refurbishing.

Office Consumables Sector

Number of employees: 400.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: cleaning service.

Luxury Goods Sector

Number of employees: 2000.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: catering service and reception service.

ICT Sector

Number of employees: 600.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: reception and back office services.

Research and Innovation Sector

Number of employees: 150.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: archives digitalization service.

Logistics Sector

Number of employees: 500.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: gardening and cleaning services.

School Sector

Number of employees: 90.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: design of printed materials.

Large Scale Retail Sector

Number of employees: 3000.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: cleaning and logistics services.

Industrial Automation Sector

Number of employees: 150.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: reception service.

Electronics Sector

Number of employees: 350.
Goods and Services provided with Art.14: IT Support services.