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Sustainable and Responsible Management
of tourism facilities

“Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.”

(UN Environment Program and UN World Tourism Organization)

The tourism industry, events and accommodation facilities, in line with the objectives of sustainable development and under pressure from market players such as companies, municipalities and organizers of major events, are increasingly interested in obtaining certifications and having consolidated methodologies and management systems capable of facing sustainability challenges and increasing their attractiveness on the market.

Right Hub, well aware of the current and future challenges that involve accommodation facilities, has gained over time a strong experience and specific know-how in the design, implementation, development, improvement and reporting of environmental and social impact initiatives of hotels, bed & breakfasts, mountain huts, farmhouses with overnight service, resorts, etc...

ISO 21401 – Management System for Sustainability in Accommodation Facilities
The international standard specifies the environmental, social and economic requirements for the implementation of a management system for sustainability in tourist accommodation facilities. The ISO 21401 standard is applicable to any kind of tourism accommodation, regardless of type, size, or location. The dimensions on which the actions focus are:

minimize negative environmental impacts and maximize positive ones.

recognise, promote and respect regional cultural heritage and non-predatory traditional and cultural values to contribute to the social and economic development of workers and communities involved in the production chain.

plan and implement activities and services, taking into account the economic sustainability in the short, medium and long term.

We plan proper actions and initiatives to certify the sustainable management system of hotels, bed & breakfasts, mountain huts, farmhouses with overnight service, resorts, etc.