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Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Information on the processing of personal data of the users visiting this website pursuant to article 13 of the eu regulation 2016/679.

The information provided below describes, as required by the EU Regulation 2016/679, the processing operations performed on the personal data of the users visiting the Right Hub Srl Società Benefit Unipersonale website www.righthub.it

The information provided does not concern other online websites, pages or services that can be accessed via hyperlinks on the above website but relate to resources outside the righthub.it domain.

Data controller

Visiting the website listed above may result into processing data relating to identified or identified natural persons. The data controller is Right Hub Srl Società Benefit Unipersonale, located in Via Gioacchino Rossini, 44 - 20831 Seregno (MB), Italy - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Phone (switchboard): +39 0362 238835.

Data Protection Officer

The Right Hub company‘s Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted here: Alterego Group Srl, Via Giovanni Battista Pergolesi 16, 20124 Milano (MI), Italy - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Phone (switchboard): +39 02 26 26 40 92.

Legal basis for the processing

This site processes data mainly based on user consent. The consent is given through the banner placed at the bottom of the homepage on first acces, or through the use or consultation of the site, which behavior is final. With the use or consultation of the site visitors and users approve this statement and consent to the processing of their personal data in relation to the methods and purposes described below, including any disclosure to third parties if necessary for the provision of a service. Through the communication or service request forms, further consents are collected concerning the specific purpose of the service.

Categories of personal data and purposes of the processing

Browsing data

The information systems and software procedures relied upon to operate this web site acquire personal data as part of their standard functioning; the transmission of such data is an inherent feature of Internet communication protocols.

This data category includes the IP addresses and/or the domain names of the computers and terminal equipment used by any user, the URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses of the requested resources, the time of such requests, the method used for submitting a given request to the server, returned file size, a numerical code relating to server response status (successfully performed, error, etc.), and other parameters related to the user's operating system and computer environment.

These data are necessary to use web-based services and are also processed in order to:

  • extract statistical information on service usage (most visited pages, visitors by time/date, geographical areas of origin, etc.);
  • check functioning of the services.

Browsing data are kept for no longer than 2 years and are erased immediately after being aggregated (except where judicial authorities need such data for establishing the commission of criminal offences).

Data communicated by users

Sending messages, on the basis of the user's free, voluntary, explicit choice, to the Right Hub company‘s contact addresses and filling in and sending the forms made available on the Right Hub company‘s websites (contacts form) entail the acquisition of the sender's contact information as necessary to provide a reply, as well as of any and all the personal data communicated in that manner.

These data are stored to pursue the aforementioned purpose and for no more than 2 years (except where judicial authorities need such data for establishing the commission of criminal offences).

Specific information notices will be displayed on the pages of the Right Hub company‘s websites that are used for providing certain services.

Cookies and other tracking devices

So-called session (non-persistent) cookies are used exclusively to the extent this is necessary to enable secure, efficient browsing. Storage of session cookies in terminal equipment or browsers is under the user's control, whilst cookie-related information is stored server-side after HTTP sessions in the service logs for no longer than 2 years like all other browsing data.

Cookies detail

On the site there are 3-part cookies:

  • Facebook, policy statement at the following link
  • Linkedin, policy statement at the following link
  • Twitter, policy statement at the following link
  • Google (Analytics, Youtube), policy statement at the following link

We inform you that you can manage cookies permission through your browser settings. Below are the links with the instructions for the various browsers:

Google Chrome https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=it
Google Chrome (mobile devices Android) https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=it
Mozilla Firefox https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie
Microsoft Internet Explorer http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows-vista/block-or-allow-cookies
Microsoft Edge https://support.microsoft.com/it-it/help/4468242/microsoft-edge-browsing-data-and-privacy-microsoft-privacy
Apple Safari https://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=it_IT&locale=it_IT
Apple Safari (mobile devices iOS) https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265
Opera http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.htm
Data recipients

The following entities are recipients of the data collected in the course of visiting the websites listed above. They have been appointed as data processors by Right Hub company pursuant to Article 28 of the Regulation: Unisona Srl being the provider of the development and operational supply and management services for the technological platforms relied upon.

The personal data collected as above are also processed by staff from the Right Hub company, acting on specific instructions concerning purposes and arrangements of such processing.

Data subjects' rights

Data subjects have the right to obtain from the Right Hub company, where appropriate, access to their personal data as well as rectification or erasure of such data or the restriction of the processing concerning them, and to object to the processing (pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation). Please contact the Right Hub company‘s Data controller or Data Processor Officer to lodge all requests to exercise these rights.

Right to lodge a complaint

If a data subject considers that the processing of personal data relating to him or her as performed via this website infringes the Regulation, he or she has the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante or the DPO pursuant to Article 77 of the Regulation, or else to bring a judicial proceeding against the Garante pursuant to Article 79 of the Regulation.