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Discover RIGHT HUB studies and research

In this section you can find studies and research performed by us and they are available for free consultation.

"Sustainable Motorsport and Automotive Industry. Making the difference!"
Case studies Edition 2024

Sustainable Motorsport and Automotive Industry. Making the difference! - Case studies Edizione 2024

We are specialists in the Motorsport and Automotive industry: we support all stakeholders in the sector in sustainable development projects and ISO 20121 certification, the international standard that specifies the requirements for the sustainable management of series, events, organizers, promoters, teams, racetracks and suppliers covering all three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economic.

The ISO 20121 certification projects are fully in line with the sustainability strategies and objectives of the international motorsport federations and series organizers.

We operate in Europe and in the rest of the world.

"Sustainable Events Industry. Making the difference!"
Case studies Edition 2024

Sustainable Events Industry. Making the difference! -  Case studies Edition 2024

We are specialists in the Events Industry: we support all stakeholders in sustainable development projects and the ISO 20121 certification, the international standard which specifies the requirements for the sustainable management of any kind of event, event organizers and promoters, venues hosting events, suppliers providing goods and services for events, sport teams participating in events, covering all three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economic.

The ISO 20121 certification projects are fully in line with the sustainability strategies and objectives of any kind of organization.

Until now Right Hub have delivered more than 40 ISO 20121 projects in Europe and in the rest of the world.

"Sustainable Management in Motorsport" - Good practices collection from 1994 to 2022 Edition 2023

Sustainable Management in Motorsport - Good practices collection from 1994 to 2022 Edition 2023

We know that, in the mind of the common people, motorsport sector is not so close to a sustainable management of its events from environmental and social standpoint. However over the last 20 years much has been done.

Right Hub, as expert of the matter in motorsport and automotive sector, would like to give you some great examples across the last two decades (…actually even before), that many of you may not know and may actually expect.

Here below our ultimate good practices collection we have carried out since 2016 (until march 2023) based on web information publicly available.

"Racing towards a sustainable future" international study

2022 Edition

Right Hub and Enovation Consulting are pleased to publish the 2nd edition of the Sustainable Circuits IndexTM (SCITM), the annual report, which assesses and reports on the sustainable performances of the motorsport venues across the world.
The study evaluates the sustainability performances of the circuits by analyzing their commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Of the 96 circuits reviewed, 43 demonstrated some level of engagement with sustainability, compared to 32 in the 2021 edition. The Top 3 circuits leading the way are, respectively, Circuit de Barcelona - Catalunya (Spain), Mugello Circuit (Italy) and Circuit Paul Ricard (France).
We strongly aim with this study to promote the good practices sharing the improvements done by the circuits in terms of sustainable management, and we wish to accelerate the adoption of any proper initiative to reduce the environmental impact and improve the social impact of the venues and of the events hosted.

TÜV NORD Italia, a member company of TÜV NORD Group, is an Italian leader in the provision of inspection, certification and training services for all types of enterprises, quality system certification and product certification, with a special focus on sustain­ability. Our highly qualified experts who operate throughout the entire country are supported by the offices based in Milan and Bologna. In addition, TÜV NORD Italia can always rely on the vast expertise of its headquarters the TÜV NORD Group. Close to you in all continents thanks to the global presence of the TÜV NORD Group, TÜV NORD Italia is the key provider for sustainable event certifications ISO 20121. Join the TÜV NORD sustainability venture!

To download the press release click here

"ISO 20400" 2017 – 2021 Progress Report

White Paper: Racing towards a sustainable future

Have a look at the first ever study about ISO 20400 practices across the world produced by Ross Primmer with the contribution of our CEO & Founder Luca Guzzabocca (an high calibre professional in sustainable procurement since early 2000s) for the Italian scenario.

As we approach the 5th Anniversary of the ISO 20400 standard this report provides some insight into where it is being used, how and what the benefits are.

"Sustainable Management in Motorsport" - Good practices collection from 1994 to 2021

White Paper: Racing towards a sustainable future

We know that, in the mind of the common people, motorsport sector is not so close to a sustainable management of its events from environmental and social standpoint. However over the last 20 years much has been done.

RIGHT HUB, as expert of the matter in motorsport and automotive sector, would like to give you some great examples across the last two decades (…actually even before), that many of you may not know and actually not expect.

Here our ultimate good practices collection we have carried out since 2016 based on web information publicly available.

"Racing towards a sustainable future" international study

White Paper: Racing towards a sustainable future

RIGHT HUB and Enovation Consulting Ltd are the authors of the first international study on the sustainability performance of 96 permanent international circuits.

The analysis of the circuits was conducted between August and December 2020 and it is based on 21 evaluation criterion.

The score of the final classification (Sustainability Circuit Index) sees the Mugello Circuit (Italy) in first place with the best performance, followed by the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya (Spain) and the Circuit Paul Ricard (France).

Special thanks to Professor Paolo Taticchi, who significantly helped us to carry out the study, and to our partners: ENEL X and TÜV NORD Italia.

"Why and how to buy from Social Economy" guide

Buying from Social Economy e-book

RIGHT HUB has created in April 2020 the updated version of the "Why and how to buy from Social Economy" guide in order to plan and implement "Social Procurement" and "Supplier Diversity” for your company.

The e-book is suitable for all company functions: General Management, Human Resources, Procurement, Marketing, Communication, CSR, etc.

With our guide to purchasing social economy, you will be able to purchase the main useful elements with regards to:

  • How to deal with the purchase of goods and services from social cooperatives and social enterprises and how to differentiate between suppliers;
  • How to enhance it in view of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility);
  • How to capitalize in Marketing and Communication strategies;
  • How to make it become an opportunity also for the purposes of the inclusion of disabled people.

This initiative aims to promote and facilitate the knowledge of practices and processes that we strongly hope will be implemented in businesses for better environmental, ethic and social sustainability of purchases and procurement.

Would you like to know more about "Social Procurement" and "Supplier Diversity" and how we can help you? Visit the specific services section on our website and contact us to arrange a meeting.

The initiatives of the Motorsports sector to face the COVID-19 emergency

Motorsports good initiatives put in place to face COVID-19 emergency

Thanks to its experience and proximity to the motorsports sector, acquired along with the organizational activity of sustainable event management and after having created in March and April 2020 the collection of good practices for production reconversion of companies in Italy and the rest of the world, RIGHT HUB wanted to make the good practices in the motorsports sector available, not only with regards to production reconversion, but also related to fundraising, donations and supplies of safety devices and services.

This initiative is meant as a way of thanking all the stakeholders in the motorsport sector who are actively involved in supporting the health system, its operators and the community during the COVID-19 emergency throughout the world.

Contact us by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to ask for the free e-book with the collection of good practices in the motorsports sector.

Good practices of production reconversion in Italian and foreign businesses for the COVID-19 emergency

Good practices collection of production conversion during coronavirus emergency

In March and April 2020, during an extremely critical and unexpected moment for everyone, RIGHT HUB, in line with its company mission and vision, decided to commit itself, without any profit-making and at its own expense, to collecting the good practices of firms in Italy and in the world that were committed to production reconversion in a structural way in order to supply essential goods and services to confront the COVID-19 emergency.

It is a collection that has the aim of enhancing the good practices in a total view, not left to the single, occasional piece of news published by the media and/or appeared on social channels and on the web. As of today, about 200 hundred good company practices in Italy and in the rest of the world have been collected.

The initiative is also meant as a way of thanking all the reported businesses, their entrepreneurs, their managers, their workers, their suppliers and all the stakeholders involved in supporting the national health system, and its operators during the COVID-19 emergency.