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Social Procurement and Supplier Diversity

RIGHT HUB supports businesses and not-for-profit organisations to build a responsible way of buying goods and services from social cooperatives and social enterprises (where disadvantaged people are included at work), the so-called "Social Procurement", in order to achieve a positive social impact.

Businesses and not-for-profit organisations can see through RIGHT HUB the level of organizational maturity and reliability now achieved by the suppliers of goods and services belonging to the world of the “Social Economy”.

In addition, RIGHT HUB, strongly inspired by the experience of the "Supplier Diversity Programme" in the USA, has first introduced and disseminated in Italy (through the purchase by cooperatives and social enterprises, precisely "different" subjects by their nature compared to the traditional supply companies on the market) the model of "Supplier Diversity".

Companies that have introduced the concept of "diversity" into their organization and/or American companies based in Italy and already engaged with the regulation of their Corporations, may be interested in building a "different supplier base", precisely consisting of social cooperatives and social enterprises selected by Right Hub.

To ensure their reliability, professionalism and seriousness, RIGHT HUB assigns the attribute "Verified Seller" to social cooperatives and social enterprises after carrying out a rigorous assessment of merit.

Therefore, relying on RIGHT HUB for the "Social Procurement" and "Diversity Supplier", you will have specialized and customized support to analyze and choose between a wide variety of goods and services to buy from social cooperatives and above all the security of buying from social cooperatives evaluated through our protocol called "Verified Seller" (Procedure for the evaluation and qualification of social cooperatives type "B" and "A-B").

The "Verified Seller" process is subject to the annual evaluation of the certification body TÜV NORD Italia.

Case studies

Motorsport Sector

Research and selection of social cooperatives for printed materials.

Luxury Goods Sector

Design and construction of an ad-hoc supplier portfolio of social cooperatives to encourage the purchase of goods and services with a positive social impact on the entire Italian territory.

Energy Sector

Design and construction of an ad-hoc supplier portfolio of social cooperatives to encourage the purchase of goods and services with a positive social impact on the entire Italian territory.

Not-for Profit Sector

Research and selection of social cooperatives for schools maintenance.

Business Travel Sector

Research and selection of social cooperatives for cleaning service of headquarters offices.

Mechanical Sector

Research and selection of social cooperatives for a company event gifts.