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Sustainable Procurement and Supply Chain

RIGHT HUB designs, implements and develops environmental, social, ethical and economic sustainability programs, practices and initiatives in procuring and supplying goods and services for both for-profit companies (any size and any market sector) and for not-for- profit organizations (for a complete consistency with their mission and in order to create greater "value" to fundraising activities).

RIGHT HUB is also able to assess and measure the sustainability maturity and improvement areas in procurement management in reference to the international guideline ISO 20400 – Sustainable Procurement Guideline.

Improve purchasing management and carbon footprint.

RIGHT HUB provides tactical and strategic assistance for : the best management of procurement of goods and services; the process governance and traceability; the evaluation, qualification and selection of products, services and suppliers; for the digitalization of processes; and other actions in order to optimize the use of economic resources.

RIGHT HUB provides in-house training programs dedicated to both junior resources and senior procurement resources, as well as available for Coaching and Mentoring activities.

RIGHT HUB analyzes the CO2 emissions produced along the supply chain (the so-called SCOPE 3) measuring them according to the ISO 14064: 2018 standard and planning the appropriate initiatives to reduce and offset emissions.

Client case studies

Banking Sector

Design and implementation of the sustainable management of purchases related to all materials and services of the areas: logistics, information technology, real estate, office products, electricity, lighting, printed materials, etc.
The activity also included: a training program for buyers and stakeholders involved; the definition of policy; the assessment conducted according to the guideline BS8903:2010 - Principles and Framework for Procuring Sustainably; the definition of environmental and social criteria of choice of materials and services; the definition of Key Performance Indicators; the synergy with cost reduction projects; the involvement of suppliers in assessing their sustainability profile; the search for sustainable innovative solutions for new products and services.

Contract Catering Sector

Design and implementation of sustainable purchasing management for all food & beverage products.
The activity also included: the training program for buyers and stakeholders involved; the definition of environmental and social criteria for choice of materials and services; the definition of Key Performance Indicators; the synergy with cost reduction projects; the evaluation of "animal welfare" aspects; the synergy with activities for quality control management and certifications of suppliers and products. Furthermore RIGHT HUB built the first ever sustainability report of the company.

Automotive Sector

Sustainable Procurement Guideline. The activity has been run through an ad-hoc "Gap Analysis Tool"; the final report provided a comprehensive assessment of the reported variances for each macro and micro category and recommendations on actions to be put in place to reduce and/or eliminate gaps in order to make the purchasing process compliant with ISO20400.
It was the first ever activity of its kind in Italy since the publication of the guideline.

Sport Apparel Sector

Assessment of the sustainability profile of the top selling items and suppliers (Italy and abroad) in order to build a sustainability scoring for each items and release it publicly.

Chemical Sector

Basic training program about sustainable procurement management for all the buyers.

Insurance Sector

Advanced training program about sustainable procurement management for all the Italian buyers in support of the corporate sustainable procurement policy.

ICT Sector | Hygiene Services Sector

Trained the sales force of two major multinational groups with the aim of increasing the capacity of resources to leverage company, products and services sustainability in selling activities.
Infact the title of the training program is called "Sustainability as a marketing and sales driver"

Fashion Sector

Assessment of: purchasing process, expense approval procedures, organizational structure, spend categories analysis and more, in order to formulate proposals for an effective re-engineering of purchasing processes and organization.

Welfare Services Sector

Tutoring and support for the young resource delegated to the responsibility of purchasing management of the company. Construction of the cost optimization plan, drafting procedures, review of processes, involvement of key stakeholders, training of buyers on the issues of contracting and facility management, policy for sustainable purchasing management in relation to ISO 14001 certification.

Banking Sector

Design and execution of an ad-hoc in-house training program specifically tailored (with the help of human resources department) for the needs to develop specific skills of the buyers.

Not-for-Profit Sector

Negotiation plan for the reduction of the consumables costs (food products, personal hygiene products, cleaning products) used in some facilities of the not-for-profit organization.

Business Travel Sector

Design and released of procurement policy and expenses approval process.

Not-for-Profit Sector

Support provided during the market evaluation and choice of the most appropriate and effective e-procurement tool for two Italian not for profit organizations.

Electromechanical Sector

Sustainability assessment of production, procurement, logistics, marketing, sales and communication processes.

Not-for-Profit Sector

Support provided during the market evaluation and choice of the most appropriate and effective e-procurement tool for an international not for profit organization.