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ISO 20121: Sustainable Management System and Certification

RIGHT HUB is able to build both ad-hoc "frameworks" for sustainable event management and to support organizations in obtaining event certification according to the international standard ISO 20121 – Event Sustainable Management, the standard that defines the sustainable management and organization of events of any nature. This certification can also be applied to locations that host events, event organizers and to suppliers of goods and services for events.

Established as an evolution of the previous BS8901 standard, ISO 20121 applies to any type of organization that intends to establish, implement or improve a sustainable management system for all types of events and for stakeholders involved in the process, and/or ensure compliance with a sustainable development policy.
Any type of event, from a sporting event to a musical concert, from a scientific congress to a film festival, including commercial events and those of a political nature directly affect the environment and economy at different levels. Just think of the use and expenditure of resources that these entail: water consumption, electricity, waste production, effects on biodiversity, organization and logistics management and the impact on the territory, but also a careful selection and engagement of workers and suppliers.

First applied at the London 2012 Olympics, the ISO 20121 standard sets out the requirements for organizing sustainable events that have a minimal impact on the environment and community, and help strengthen relationships with stakeholders, from local authorities to suppliers and customers, from workers to participants and spectators.

Build a sustainable management system and certify the sustainability of your event, your location or your organization.