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Right Hub designs and implements the sustainability strategy of CDA

6 marzo 2024 -  Right Hub designs and implements the sustainability strategy of C.D.A. (Consortium of Beverages Distributors)

C.D.A ., the most important consortium of beverages distributors in Italy (80 distributors and approx 6.000 beverages brands), has decided, with the support of Right Hub Società Benefit, to commit itself to the sustainable management of its organization and processes, as well as to raise awareness among its members with training activities and with the design of ad-hoc actions to improve their environmental and social impact.

The intervention program started in the first half of 2023 continues in 2024 with a greater focus on the members operations, the territories to which they belong and potential collaborations with other important industry stakeholders. .   

Find out more: C.D.A. Consorzio Distributori Alimentari